
Married to the church: Celibacy is outdated

[caption id="attachment_14410" align="alignleft" width="306" caption="Courtesy of Jordan Cicoria."][/caption] I am a happy “lapsed Catholic,” meaning that I go to Mass…

Modest prediction: Dems can flip the House

[caption id="attachment_14406" align="alignleft" width="275" caption="Source: http://dccc.org."][/caption] I’m going to make a very premature prediction. It could easily be wrong, but…

Self-defense should be protected by law

[caption id="attachment_14402" align="alignleft" width="450" caption="Source: http://redensign.wordpress.com/"][/caption] Last month in Florida, 19-year-old Antonio Gordon knocked out the front teeth of a…

Capitalism: green on more than money

Environmentalism and capitalism aren't as much at odds as some would like you to think. In fact, a true environmentalist would respect the power of the free market.

Qaddafi still has some outs, but should worry

Muammar Qaddafi's power has for the most part eroded and the old dictator is on the run. Perhaps, however, he has a few tricks left up his sleeve.

Fresh pork: why earmarks shouldn't be bashed

Earmarks are often bashed in American discourse, but they are necessary to the way American politics works for a number of reasons.

Why U.S. media bias is still very effective

While the United States frequently criticizes the Chinese state for censorship, the American public forget that there are clear examples of bias in the American media as well.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat

The Muslim Brotherhood is a nonviolent organization that represents a true path to democratization for the Middle East. The American public at large seems to forget this.

Israel and Iran: A call for new priorities

Iran has become the chief threat to the national security of not simply Israel but also the United States.

U.S. v. Singapore: rights have a reason

The legal and judicial system of the United States is based on a conception of rights that emphasizes innocence and justice to all parties, rather than retribution.