
The lost opportunities for military dependents at UR

I am a military dependent: a child of an active duty or retired military member. If that’s not identity, then I don’t know what is.

My love, cheesecake

I love you, cheesecake, and everything you are to me. 

Proceed with caution when it comes to relationships

To initiate an ideal relationship, I should know myself before I meet my partner.

Never been kissed?

While desiring romantic love is perfectly human, life is made of much more.

The on-campus Starbucks is like a bad relationship

From now on, I refuse to commit out of complacency.

On the wanderings of the mind at family gatherings

There is no way of knowing what someone is really doing in there, just as there is no way of knowing what someone is really thinking. It is for the best, really, that we do not know either.

Tips on how to survive middle school

Rochester – as a former middle schooler, I am here to offer up some tips on how to survive it in case you fall into a wormhole and find yourself 13 years old again.

On going home

Being home really is a double-edged sword.

Confessions of a Midwestern Spinster

Allow me to give you, lovely and (hopefully) unbetrothed reader, an explanation as to why I am so bitter about something I should be congratulating my peers for.

Love languages: is it science?

There is science behind oxytocin — the “love hormone” — but love is so multidimensional that it’s hard to settle on one universal meaning for all.