
The Planned Parenthood debate: Defend it

Planned Parenthood performs necessary services for underage victims of abuse, incest and rape. Taking them down would only help the perpetrators of these crimes.

The Planned Parenthood debate: defund it

Planned Parenthood is a monstrous organization that ignores the laws it doesn't like. They need to be stopped before they can continue on their evil path.

President overstates importance of Libya

President Obama has justified military action in Libya on humanitarian grounds: but is it likely to help the United States at all?

Clubs should consider contributing to community

It's our responsibility to help the people of Rochester as long as we're in school. The SA could help with some incentives for its groups to engage in community service.

Don't make Huck Finn a slave to censorship

[caption id="attachment_14881" align="alignleft" width="426" caption="Courtesy of Tim Minahan, Presentation Editor."][/caption] “Turn him loose! He ain’t no [African American laborer],” said…

New meal plan offerings hard to swallow

[caption id="attachment_14883" align="alignleft" width="431" caption="Courtesy of Jordan Cicoria, Features Editor."][/caption] Big changes are in the works for dining on campus…

Crony capitalism: corruption and collusion

[caption id="attachment_14869" align="alignleft" width="424" caption="Source: http://www.hermes-press.com"][/caption] In the 1987 film, “Wall Street,” Michael Douglas’ character Gordon Gekko notoriously said that…

Fruit on campus: a seriously rotten deal

Ah, pesticide. As much as I appreciate insight into agricultural processes, I’m not a fan of tasting the crop-dust on…

The classics should not be all Greek to us

[caption id="attachment_14573" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Courtesy of http://www.uic.edu"][/caption] Some foreign language programs have no need to justify their existence. Certainly few…

Boredom and business

[caption id="attachment_14553" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Courtesy of Hannah Bazarian."][/caption] During reading period and the week before final exams, students often find…