
How do you know if someone is smart?

Everyone is smart in their own way — it might not be the same as someone else or in the same way. And that is okay.

What’s in a name?

Having a non-American name in America has definitely impacted my sense of identity over the years. It has shaped others’ perceptions of me.

Notes by Nadia: More accommodations, please

I’ve compiled a short list of ways that the University could become more accommodating.

The difficulties of being the other woman

How does society approach the other woman? How should the woman being cheated on view the other woman?

To be or not to be: motherhood

Some women are going to choose to have children. Some won’t. Some will choose to focus on their careers, and others won’t.

I will not be a mother

Every time I tell someone that I don’t want children, I the same response: You’ll have them when you’re older.

Why motherhood?

Women have fought so hard to be seen as more than birthing machines. Despite this, society continues to pressure us into motherhood.

The impact of AI-driven EdTech on instructor autonomy in the classroom

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational technology (EdTech) has brought unparalleled convenience and efficiency to classrooms worldwide. However,…

Barbie goes to Hollywood – how much damage can one doll do?

I am here to say that the controversy surrounding the movie never had anything to do with the movie itself.

Thoughts on Barbie and healing the inner child

I would like to think that after watching Barbie, every woman is listening to the little girl inside her soul again.