
America’s (lacking) taste in mainstream music

Why is America’s taste in music so awful? Why do we support artists who display little to no musical talent?…

Law school still worth it — if all things considered

No student should attend law school without a genuine interest in the legal profession.

Sticking to the deadline: NYC school funding

ast week, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez granted an injunction preventing New York State from cutting nearly $260 million in funding to New York City schools.

Ban the bottle, stop rights abuse

We should ban the bottle. Here's why.

Law school still worth it — if all things considered

Is law school worth it in today's market? Is it worth the financial investment?

Sticking to the deadline: NYC school funding

Menedez needs to respect the oft-forgotten deadline, a lesson we should all take to heart.

The plague known as media bias

Bias is inherent to today's media — learn to prevent getting brainwashed and think for yourself.

Windows 8 evaluation

[caption id="attachment_58052" align="alignleft" width="300"] Alex Kurland, Staff Illustrator[/caption] Was the upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8 good or bad?…

Looking back: Maybe Bush wasn’t so bad

[caption id="attachment_58652" align="alignleft" width="226"] Courtesy of sciencenet.cn[/caption] The legacy of former President George W. Bush’s administration will forever be defined,…

UR alumnus leaves impressive legacy

[caption id="attachment_56232" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of rochester.edu[/caption] Steven Chu ‘70 resigned from his position as President Obama’s Secretary of energy…