
Fresh meat are people too

I was in the line at Danforth, our wonderful local dining facility here at Rochester, when I heard a rather…

Military strike not the answer in Syria

The storms clouds of a major Middle Eastern war have been gathering for years. A U.S. attack on Syria would…

The case for bombing Syria

If there’s one thing everyone agrees on, it’s this: Syria is a mess. Yet most of Syria’s possible futures are…

Boston bombings: keep mourning and politics separate

It’s about time we, as a global community, start valuing human life and quit squandering resources on making killing more efficient

Three tips for dodging procrastination during finals

As you prepare for your week of hitting the books, begin your anti-procrastination campaign now.

Go green for good reason, seek science in sustainability

Relegating serious environmental issues to “feel-good” activism is a slap in the face for those interested in finding real solutions to our environmental problems.

City Year: great cause, experience, post-grad plan

Some people assume that serving with an organization like City Year means that you want to become a teacher or go into education. This is not always true.

Uniting different faiths

Sometimes, when religious conflict is discussed, people suggest that the best solution is to do away with religion entirely. But is religion really the issue?

The frailty of FEMEN

As a Muslim feminist, it’s pretty obvious what kinds of issues I might have with this form of protest, but speaking objectively, there are issues with FEMEN’s actions that simply cannot be overlooked.