
President Obama’s plan to defeat ISIL is insufficient

The terrorist group on everybody’s mind these last few months has been the Islamic State (IS), or ISIL as the…

Meatless Monday or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Walk To Danforth

Every week, our esteemed campus is privileged to host the premier dining event known as Meatless Mondays. Featuring mouthwatering gourmet…

The End of Britain

Imagine Britain as a mild-mannered, sixty something year old man with an identity crisis. He used to be important, but…

The last words: a senior staff writer’s farewell

CT staff writer Daniel Gorman Jr. reflects on his four years at UR.

Legalize it, once and for all.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is one of the most widely used drugs in America. Its legalization movement has spread…

Bundy Ranch not Ruby Ridge

Rancher Cliven Bundy’s decades-long fight with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been garnering a lot of attention…

You can’t rebuild Rochester with fairness

What do University of Rochester President Joel Seligman, RIT President Bill Destler, Wegmans CEO Danny Wegman, and Mayor Lovely Warren…

What’s right with UR

Last week, I discussed various problems that should be fixed at UR. Now I’d like to discuss the best parts…

Death of the vegetarian lifestyle

Seven years ago, I woke up one morning and decided to become a vegetarian cold turkey. In my then-crazed obsession…

Make meliora a reality: what’s wrong with UR

I love this university, but I feel a responsibility as a senior to identify some problems here, so that they…