
Latino summit offers space to reflect, connect

It’s the fall of my senior year, which means between classes and trips to Starbucks, a bigger question is always…

Food on campus: the delicious sequel

The best satisfaction after a long and hard day of classes, work, or sleeping through these things is a rich,…

Friendship across cultures

When I first entered the River Campus of UR, I was overwhelmed by everything around me: be it the size…

The hunger games: memoir of a pizza guy

The thrill of the open(ish) road. The gentle, lingering smell of mozzarella and sauce. And the sweet, sweet dosh. This…

Feminism, Republicanism, and you

Republican as a word in our society has a negative connotation - “wingnut” can be used in normal conversation without…

Say no to Mumia Abu-Jamal

In 1970, Tom Wolfe wrote a rambling, seething essay on a party held at the home of Leonard Bernstein. Bernstein,…

Emory University: A Devastating Continuation of Anti-Semitism

On Saturday, October 4th, Jews around the world celebrated the holy day of Yom Kippur, a day designated to repenting…

The case for sleeping (in public) (kinda)

I don’t know about you, but I love sleep. A lot. But being a college student is right up there…

The cost of patriotism

Last week, the Obama administration unveiled its new plan to discourage corporate tax inversions by making it much more difficult…

Don’t mess with my Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday, to those who subscribe to an animal flesh and secretions-heavy diet, is a nightmare. There are no crispy…