
In advocacy for student activism

There is always something worth speaking about, whether it pertains to issues within our own nation or those across the globe.

Notes by Nadia: The joys of college

My most favorite part of being a college student is delaying the inevitable: becoming an actual adult.

Tips on burnout from someone who’s been there

If you're on the road to burnout, or even burnt to a crisp already, here are some realistic tips on how to work through it!

Celebrity relationships: why they matter and why they don’t

Do celebrities at large, including Taylor Swift, mind the speculation about their romantic lives?

Embarrassment, a storming sea

Embarrassment is a lighter shade of shame — a shame formed from the perception of others and what opinions they might have.

Judging a book by its cover

There are so many books out there. It’s okay if not all of them are for you.

The college ranking debacle

The whole college system is a business, and these rankings are no exception.

Procrastination, a skill

Procrastination is a beneficial tool if you let yourself learn how to use it.

For all the fanfare: a reflection on SA elections

Student elections tend to end up as popularity contests.

You’re not dumb, you’re just foolish

Wisdom is about making sure the right person is behind that power.