
Assad is not guiltless in Islamic State’s growth

The Islamic State (IS)  developed out of corruption from the Iraqi and Syrian governments in their oppression of Sunni civilians.…

The state of the Republican Party

On Oct. 28, the Republican Party finally nominated Rep. Paul Ryan to be the Speaker of the House. This came…

Seeking serendipity: A hacker’s revelations in the face of frienship

I am usually the kind of guy who likes to have everything planned out, especially when I’m traveling somewhere: I…

Fight the patriarchy, with pockets

Last week, I purchased a new pair of jeans through the magical world of online shopping. Now, jeans are a…

Seeking refuge: With Syrians displaced en masse, we need to uphold our virtues

It’s a testament to our arguably valid cynicism about national politics that so many core American axioms have become occasion…

Avoiding ticket mayhem

There were hundreds. They shuffled around the first floor of Wilson Commons, starting from the Common Market, snaking through the…

Iran deal: Critics’ claims fall flat upon further inspection

In a surprising twist to the recent narrative of the U.S. and other powers’ deal with Iran to limit the…

Iran deal: Negotiated from weakness, deal is destructive

Diplomacy can be amazing when done correctly. It’s a testament to the unwavering ideal of peace that the United States…

We’re on the rise

You can see the tower of Rush Rhees Library from almost anywhere on campus. I think there’s one spot—if you…

2015: A momentous year 

This has been a momentous year. At the end of April, the community celebrated the grand opening of College Town,…