
Image is key in first debate

The most exciting and disappointing moments of an election year are the presidential debates.

Laptops in lectures: A mixed bag

The professor started to introduce himself and the course, and midway through his introduction he started talking about laptops.

Exodus from the Odyssey

In early September, we, the three authors of this article, chose to resign our positions with the Odyssey Online.

New Douglass has its ups and downs

When I finally managed to make my way into the new Douglass Dining Hall, I realized it was going to be a long meal.

Trigger warnings don’t interfere with learning

When you go skiing, do you look at the ratings for the difficulty of each run? A trigger warning is that, for discourse.

Smoking should be banned—but it’s a hard habit to break

There’s no way we could expect everyone who smokes to stop smoking next July.

Smoking ban: it’s not the University’s place to decide

One of the primary issues with this policy is that it is the result of a lack of enforcement.

REACH funding has improved, but change is still needed

The Career Center says more than 70 students utilized the program this past summer. With over 5,500 undergraduate students, I think a break into the triple digits is warranted.

Why 707 acres isn’t enough

Let’s talk about what you can do outside of the 707-acre campus.

My experience being a Donald Trump supporter for two days

I’m a different person now. When they come in my way, I can just shout loud enough.