space force
Trump and the space force
If the idea of a space force was indeed harmless, it would just be another stupid, inconsequential Trump meme like rocket man or inventing the word “fake” (my favorite one).
Recognizing my musical privilege
Sure, music schools give out nice scholarship packages occasionally. But what goes into earning that scholarship? Money is a huge factor in getting the training and opportunity to be even considered.
Lack of an Iran deal means war
My grandpa was drafted during the Korean war but was lucky enough to be stationed in Alaska as a sharpshooting instructor, far from the fighting. My dad went to community college during Vietnam to avoid the draft. I fear that I might be unlucky enough to be alive during another draft, for an Iranian war.
Let’s talk about campus hate speech
Today, in a world of blatant racism and white supremacy, college hate crimes are on the rise. Between 2015 and 2016, the number of reported hate crimes on college campuses has increased by 25 percent.
Why we need the Iran deal
The nuclear deal is the only thing besides war preventing Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. It does this with two mechanisms: inspections and leverage.
STEM needs to branch out
While I understand that the University is a private research institution, our research could be doing so much more if it was brought into the Rochester community, which is in great need.
Why is our campus so boring?
Visionary architecture is essential in placemaking, engendering a sense of belonging, allegiance, and excitement that bonds the University community with the campus and the institution.
Think hard before intervening in Syria
Assad is a war criminal and monster, but to make the right decisions in Syria, Western leaders must compare his rule to the possible alternatives, and consider the costs of intervention.
The Two Trumps
When looking at Trump’s actions toward Russia, it’s a bad idea to consider them in isolation: They should be compared against the two other presidents who have dealt with Putin, Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
Gun Control Worked
In my state, California, we have some of the toughest gun regulations as well as an assault rifle ban, effective from earlier this year, that prevents the sale of assault rifles. Did our state legislation fail us?