
Seligman comforts the comfortable

Neutrality in the face of catastrophe only serves to bolster the power of the perpetrator.

Seligman should resign

I won’t give another cent as long as Seligman remains president.

Breaking down Seligman’s bad arguments

I may not be as accomplished a legal scholar as Joel Seligman is, but I have been a competitive debater for 10 years and led the Debate Union as its president for two years — so trust me, I know how to call out a bad argument when I see one.

First year or freshman?

Many students are confused or annoyed by the University's new change in lingo when it comes to the term "first-year,"…

Advising the advisors

It’s day (insert number here) of orientation, and I’m inspecting the other first-years as we sit in a group meeting…

If money is all that you love

Somebody, or perhaps multiple people, weighed the prospect of hurting a customer against the prospect of losing money, and decided that the latter was worse.

Let’s talk about MERT

Why MERT isn't the reason why being MERTed is so expensive.

Why college students should pay attention to national debt

While it may not be of the moment, the national debt is something that effects all of our futures - so we should talk about it.

Services and us

Students need to be more concerned and involved with the people that serve them every day.

En-door-sing a change

A common courtesy that has been entrenched in gender role stereotyping is explored.