
The 5th anniversary of the 5k challenge

Imagine if you had the power to change one thing about the University, without going through the legislative process of…

An appeal to experts: How to explain hard things easily

What makes a good teacher? At a pre-college level, we’ll often find teachers who don’t like what they teach, who…

The case for white vanguardism

As this semester progresses, the unfolding of the Jaeger case has unquestionably rattled UR to its core. As a Take…

Beyond the headlines: opening a discussion about Jaeger

My name is Lauren. I am a fourth-year brain and cognitive sciences major here at UR. I have also been…

Nowhere near the end of the road

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, King Salman of Saudi Arabia issued a royal decree revoking the ban on women driving in…

Why this fall matters

Most of us agree — the onset of fall brings much needed relief. When I first came to Rochester from…

Shack-a-thon: helping or hurting?

Homeless. What does that word evoke? What image comes to mind when you think of a homeless person? If you’re…

What do you deserve as a customer of UR?

Dear Student Body, I address you as a concerned senior who wants to see this university assume its intended role as…

Exchanging six days for the justice of thousands

In the light of all the events that have occurred regarding the Jaeger sexual harassment case, and the response of…

Clinton’s wrong: The electoral college should stay

Last week, Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened,” was released. In the book, she blames several different factors for her…