
Not all classes are created equal

First-semester first-years are restricted in the amount of credits they can take, presumably in some sort of effort to prevent…

I hate chocolate ice cream.

And you should tell me why I’m wrong. There is nothing more satisfying than to hear the words “I was…

Dry frats: student responses

Colleges and universities nationwide  have faced controversy surrounding fraternities and sororities for years. Drinking and hazing scandals aside, some take…

Mt. Hope cemetery review

We are outnumbered by the dead. In Mt. Hope Cemetery alone there are more dead people than living ones in…

The untold story of comfort women

Everyone wants an apology when someone has wronged them. Whether on an individual or national scale, it’s difficult to forgive…

A guide to Zen: Study space edition

As an ancient ward of the University (also known as a Take Five Scholar), I have completed my journey towards…

Unpaid internships aren’t always worth it

Internships are great. You get to put real work experience on your resume, have a resource when you need a…

Dear bushy tailed, wide-eyed, overachieving fresher

My first semester at UR was a shitshow — unbalanced, sleep-deprived, anxious, and toxic. Don’t get me wrong: I collected…

How to beat the heat when you’re stuck in a dorm room

A lot of people complain about Rochester’s winters, but in my opinion, the summer months are far worse. When it…

Dealing with mental illness in college

Editor's Note (01/03/20): The writer's name has been removed from this piece, as they were still struggling with mental illness…