It doesn’t end when the fires are put out
I worry that, even though I’ve lived there for 18 years, I won’t recognize my childhood home.
Climate Change
Climate change is burning up the U.S.
We can’t ignore science if we want to limit the number of environmental crises we experience every year.
A letter to white activists
Cry for your own life, but get mad about what happens to Black people in this country.
Our approach to addiction isn’t working
Addiction is your problem, too, even if you think it isn’t.
jessica krug
Jessica Krug and Jewish trauma
I made up a story to suit the silences of the family I was born into, and the non-truth I made up slid perfectly over the gaps in my own story of self.
Climate Change
The case for climate education
If we wouldn’t send our students to college unprepared, we cannot send them into the climate crisis unprepared either.
black lives matter
My awakening to American racism
I never even considered that this disease which seemed so far in the past was still very prevalent.
black lives matter
Surviving two pandemics
They refuse to accept that a system that shoots unarmed Jacob Blakes but protects armed Kyle Rittenhouses is a just one.
Weed is most dangerous when it’s illegal
Making weed illegal doesn’t stop kids or anyone else who wants to use it from doing so.