
An unadulterated perspective on UR Student

To put it succinctly: UR Student sucks.

“Vote blue no matter who” is not a valid argument

We shouldn’t cancel a conversation just because it doesn’t seem worth having in the short term.

A beginner’s guide to mindfulness

Mindfulness teaches that we have power over our emotions, not the other way around. 

Applause isn’t enough for essential workers

Our essential workers, the ones we’re applauding as heroes, are being walked all over. When we’re not clapping and cheering, we should be infuriated.

How Zumba saved me from my fitness trauma

All I knew about Zumba was that it was basically exercise dancing to Latin and pop songs. It didn’t sound too bad, but I couldn’t be sure. 

Why COVID-19 is more than just numbers

Not everyone is healthy and young and able to support themselves.

Coronavirus is not an excuse to be racist

I’m not just putting this out there as an Asian, but as a member of society.

My dorm is changing

I have left a fourth of my college experience behind, and have an incredibly uncertain future given the circumstances.

A caged rat’s guide to surviving social distancing

Wow, man. This is something almost none of us could have foreseen. Okay, there was definitely someone who called it…

The problem with political consistency

Unless a candidate’s voter base is static, they cannot be lauded as “consistent” in the Sanders fashion.