
An open letter to openers, closers, and people with keys

Rerouting around these locked doors over the past few weeks has me thinking about the way physically disabled students go about their days.

Consent is simple, actually

The laws have changed and the social norms are changing, but the reality of what constitutes a consensual sexual encounter has not changed.

Everyone you know has an accent

The right question to ask is, “What particular accent does the person have?”

Winter and summer sessions can’t just go on, business as usual

UR has chosen to allow expensive tuition to be a barrier, making winter session practically irrelevant for students on any sort of financial aid.

The blue table

As silly as it may seem, it felt like at that table, COVID-19 didn’t exist.

Gossip isn’t just petty — it’s harmful

I don’t want to flee from intimacy into the shallow interactions that result from endless “girl talk” about my relationships, in place of living them.

Why we play

The two or three one-hour practices a week that I have with my team have been one of the few bright spots of this fall semester, and have helped me pull through mentally strenuous times.

Biden’s victory changes nothing if we don’t change ourselves

On the off chance someone besides the editors of this paper are actually reading this, please: Think hard about what parts of your own mind would prefer a president who looks like Biden to a president who looks like Harris.

Becky with the good hair: Colorism and power in the Jewish community

I’m impatient with my community’s unwillingness to see just how many people are left behind in the rush to assimilate at all costs.

Why dining halls should give Meatless Mondays a shot

Forgoing meat is a conscious and thoughtful choice that people make because they think that easing the burden on our earth is more important than satisfying their taste buds.