We need to stop undervaluing our student workers
It’s terrifyingly normal for university administrations to undervalue their student workers, especially in the profit-driven world of private universities like UR. Student workers and their needs are simply never a priority.
A guide to doing ‘nothing’
So go on, don’t feel guilty about doing nothing after finals. Start that Marvel movie marathon you’ve always wanted to.
Why the modern Renaissance man needs to change
I don’t see how conformity is worth the risk of an almost inevitable collapse of personal spirit and drive.
I’m a big kid now
So, what’s the point of going against my norm and not going home? Well, it’s to make sure that I have the space to develop as an individual.
Holiday break isn’t just a celebration
Everyone has been so busy this semester, and it’s difficult to relax knowing that we have assignments due as soon as class resumes.
The main character complex isn’t as glamorous as we think
This portrayal of idealized, effortless main-character-like friendships is unrelatable and only serves to fulfill our fantasies.
In big decisions, don’t settle for compromise
Is it unrealistic to want to not just be placated and content, but to be legitimately satisfied and fulfilled in the long-term?
Budgets need more flexibility
After weeks of online forms, multiple meetings, a hearing, and more forms, we were able to receive supplemental funding.
The overlooked issue on animal testing
Once you’ve gotten used to one way of doing things, finding a practical yet different solution is a challenge.
Response to ‘Inside the Health Promotion Office’
This letter has been written in response to an anonymous op-ed published last week, titled "Inside the Health Promotion Office."