
Your River Campus bathroom handbook

As a frequent user of bathrooms, it is my sole duty and honor to make you aware of all the best places to do all the best things.

In defense of liberty

Only when both liberty and democracy are impossible should an established authority be granted any power over their peers.

Emails are just the first step

I know University administration understands that a statement of solidarity is not the end of this work.

‘Keep Stanford Wrestling’ proves that all colleges care about is their bottom line

A student athlete’s college discontinuing their sport is akin to the college telling that student they aren’t good enough for the school.

What’s actually happening with the U.S. vaccine stockpile

At the moment, in terms of sharing actual doses, the U.S. doesn’t have the necessary surplus to do so.

The lessons I learned from running up that hill

It helped me wrap my head around difficult times, and the inevitable relief that usually waits just around the corner.

Is digital art ‘real art?’

Traditional art and digital art can exist together without the need to degrade either format.

Fragments of an Asian identity

My mother was right. In America, we will always be seen as Asian first and as people second.

Luckily for us, human nature is conservative

The best course of action is neither to shy away from progress nor to pursue it recklessly.

Even the simplest police reform moves at a snail’s pace

Why wasn’t this issue dealt with when the first child was brutalized by the RPD?