
The war on abortion

Answer honestly — would you dare look into their eyes and tell them they are killing a baby, that they are wrong for putting themselves first?

Optimism in the face of, well, everything

Hope is gritty, tough, and sharp. It is found deep beneath the surface, and sometimes it’s found at your local summer camp.

TikTok psychics and the commodification of denial

The circumstances of our breakup were messy and toxic. But denial was comfortable. So I kept on liking, sharing, and following.

It’s okay to be just okay

It’s great to be good at something you enjoy, but it should also be totally okay to maybe not be so great at it.

Why you shouldn’t roast STEM majors (although you know you want to)

I was raised around ableist jokes. I went to high school with them (I bet you did, too). But mediocre jokes point to ignorance, and often, complicity.

Befriending your very own fitness monster: the GAC

Fear not, incoming students and GAC newcomers, I will divulge all my secrets on how I befriended the fitness monster.

STEM vs. humanities: The ongoing, counterproductive debate

Maybe we’ve all been wasting our time debating the relative worth of the two fields, and instead accidentally devaluing both by overlooking their individual and combined merits.

TikTok’s glorification of eating disorders

Self-love isn’t always realistic; self-acceptance is much better.

My boyfriend, my rapist

I met my rapist 10 days after I graduated from high school. Fresh-faced and doe-eyed, I was quick to fall in love with a boy two years older than me.

Waving the flag of exhaustion

We’ve grown up in a time when going to college is simply not enough to get a job. There are countless other boxes to check.