
Enough is enough — when to call quits

It seems ludicrous to think that any decision made in your freshman year of high school can have any bearing on your future, let alone dictate the rest of your life, but the reality is that it’s a slippery slope.

I don’t feel beautiful

I love the idea of body positivity. However, it’s almost impossible to love every part of your body all the time.

Which sorority recruitment is right for you?

It wasn’t until I saw the Panhellenic Instagram page post about continuous open bidding in the fall that I realized I still had a chance to join a sorority.

I’m a fraud, you’re a fraud, we’re all frauds!

Imposter syndrome is the college plague. Why is it so hard to feel like we’re in the right place, and that we deserve to be where we are?

Uncanceling canceling

Cancellations and rain checks are scenarios you will encounter often as a college student — and in life — so who can you cancel on?

It’s okay to uninvite yourself

I have major FOMO — fear of missing out. The worst part is, I have FOMO for things I don’t even want to do.

The key to your dream workout routine

Ever created a whole workout plan for yourself only to lose that motivation a few days later? If this is you, I feel you.

I can’t say no

No matter how full my schedule becomes and how stressed I already am, the little voice in my head screams, “WE SHOULD HAVE TIME FOR THAT!”

YOLOlogy 101: an intro to only living once

Surely, there must be some kind of balance between full-on hedonism and working the skin off your bones, right?

The process of healing

A scar never fades away, but does every wound scar?