Ed Observers
I’m more than my MBTI
I was completely unrecognizable, with no authentic bone in my body. As I became more obsessed with the MBTI, my life began to revolve around it, extending towards the people around me.
We need to see the other side of the table
Education happens through conversation. I believe that when it comes to antisemitism and anti-Israel language on campus, it’s a discussion that needs to be had, not a lecture.
Introversion, as an extrovert
It’s been jarring when I feel myself slipping into a more introverted mindset — where did the me who wanted to be everywhere for everyone go?
Don’t you dare tell me what antisemitism is
When I tell you that many people on this campus slip from criticizing Israel to employing language that personally offends me because of my ethnic and religious background, I expect you to believe it.
Please don’t say ‘time management’ to me
I’m sick of people telling me “you need to manage your time better.” Procrastination is strategic.
The pros and cons of commuting
It’s definitely not the ideal college experience, but the benefits have outweighed the negative aspects so far.
Why Tom Brady just can’t retire in peace
There is talk of $16 million on the line if Brady retires immediately, but inevitably, the question that isn’t being asked is: Why do we need to know?
self care
Self-care has to start from the shoes up
I may like to say that my vice is funky footwear, but really, I just don’t want to have to take care of myself.
The Chaplin Disease: Joss Whedon and power
Whedon sees himself as a feminist because he idolizes the feminine. All he asks is that he be worshipped as a god, because as a man, he doesn’t really hold up to criticism.
Greek Life
The “P” in PC culture is not “promotion”
With no activism to reinforce the support specifically being mentioned in their post, that support is hypothetical at best.