Ed Observers

“TikTok pretty”: Beauty is more of a public performance than ever

Beauty has seemingly become a matter of public affirmation: something that, in its most desired form, draws a type of universal and objective consensus.

Declining Plan C: Livin’ La Vida Girl Math

When it comes to the excess of declining dollars each semester, the money just doesn’t feel real.

Ineffable experience of music

The feeling music brings me is palpable, providing a meaning through sound to otherwise inexpressible emotions.

Spill the T(ay)!: On being the last puzzle piece

As I grew and moved, the fictional and real worlds I tended to held a stark contrast — there were no more bus-best-friends, no boy next door.

Making long-distance friendships work: A formula

To make long-distance relationships work, we need both types of communication consistently, not just when it is convenient.

Trauma dumping in the Campus Times Opinions section

The CT Opinions section provided a safe space, a written outlet where I could delve into my sadness and anger without feeling like a burden.

Growing up into nostalgia

Recently, I’ve been grappling with a feeling of impending adulthood — what it entails, what it takes away, and what it creates.

BookTok is turning the publishing industry into fast fashion

Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly to capitalize on hype, and does this hurt the quality of their writing?

On the burdens of student leadership

Student leadership is difficult. We should be aware of this before we decide to run. We need to take our jobs seriously.

Daddy dearest: a taxonomy of lifelong hurt

Living a life watching my father hurt me and my mother has made me think that women are born to suffer and we live to endure.