Ed Observers

Closing the gap

In an ideal world, we would have no turnaround delivering the news to you. The question is, how close can we get?

The increasingly digital CT

It became apparent that  to dedicate more time to the actual content of the paper and to reduce our waste problems, we would need to reduce our printing schedule.

Don’t put STEM on a pedestal

We do not have the right to compare these majors to one another as they demand different knowledge and skills from the student. While topics such as coding might seem difficult to STEM students, non-STEM students have to face similar problems in learning material such as the International Phonetics Alphabet.

Don’t force creativity

Creativity is a powerful force, yet forced creativity has the power to kill creativity. Creativity makes us diverse individuals. Forced creativity makes us try to live up to what others believe creativity should be.

Listen to the Radio

I’m fully aware of the connotations that being an NPR listener carries: white, middle class, pseudo-intellectual, all-around nerd who thinks that facts about ducks are good conversation starters. This connotation doesn’t really bother me, because in my case, it rings pretty much completely true.

How racism lives among us

As an Indian-American, I have never thought of myself as any more or less of one of my cultures. I have never had to stop and ask myself about my identity. I am just me. It is as simple as that, right? Not exactly.

Sometimes, travel alone

What I’ve learned about vacations is that you need to be okay with opening your wallet. Go to a nice restaurant. Pay the steep admission fee to enter the palace rather than admire it from the outside and speculate about what lies within.

All writers should debate

Debate's use of the voice, face, and body as articulators, along with its time constraint, allow it to do something that writing has never managed to do: Turn language and logic into a sport.

Republicans are people too

As a card-carrying liberal on a left-leaning campus amid the increasingly dominant (or at least dominantly vocal) left-wing atmosphere that has come to define college culture across much of the United States, I have a confession to make: I kind of like Rand Paul.

Getting back to basics with books

Just thinking on the events from the past week, there’s a lot I could have written about. There was a government shutdown, the start of the Winter Olympics, and Trump making inappropriate comments on the #MeToo movement.