Ed Observers
Dealing with cultural food in the dining halls
Checking dining hall menus is a daily ritual for me. As a first-year restricted to eating food on campus, I…
Some problems we need to address
As a junior, I think I’ve gone to school at UR long enough to have complaints that deserve an airing on a public forum.
Ed Observers
Why UR should have a summer session
Say goodbye to winter blues, and spending months looking unsexy in your puffy winter coat.
Editorial Observer
Valentine’s Day has lost its meaning
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love — in theory. In actuality, the day has firmly established itself as…
Hillside, do the right thing
Hillside Market recently transitioned from plastic bags to paper ones. It was probably a stupid decision.
You’re not really busy
I try to think about what happens on the other side of the screen when someone in my organization receives a mass email entreating them to help out.
Are books dying?
Though it is cheaper to buy novels online than at a store, and even cheaper to buy them from Amazon specifically, I almost always choose the store.
Please go vote
Vote. College students don’t vote enough, and whether you’re an environmentalist liberal or a deficit hawk conservative, please vote.
Don’t disregard the movies
To write movies off as inconsequential is to ignore the cultural impact that they have historically possessed. Movies can change history.