Ed Observers
My birthday, my brother, and me
Ultimately, I think both of us are afraid of getting older. Our birthdays are a time for bittersweet reflection.
Humor doesn’t exist in a bubble
We need to be sure we bring this attitude into other conversations as well.
Eighty years ago we left the Jews behind. Who are we forgetting now?
I see the same pain of my Jewish peers at Michigan in my Tibetan and Hong Kong peers at UR.
Campus Times
The Campus Times is changing, again
The expansion doesn’t look like it’s going to let up this semester.
Campus Times
The Campus Times’ next step
As I pass the torch to the next publisher, the bar has been raised for the CT’s potential.
College Republicans
A response to the recent College Republicans letter
I should recognize the optics of a piece disappearing from our site soon after it is posted.
Ed Observers
How jigsaw puzzles taught me to be a better person
Aren’t we always more impressed by the athlete that masters a move on the first try than the athlete that has mastered it after years of practice?
Ed Observers
You don’t need to drink to have fun
I know I’m in the minority. I’m here to vouch, however, that partying sober is not that bad.
creative writing
Please don’t take a ‘creative’ class if you won’t try
Just showing up to relax and writing “when you feel like it” — a perfectly valid pursuit — is what Nanowrimo and A03 are for.