Ed Observers

My birthday, my brother, and me

Ultimately, I think both of us are afraid of getting older. Our birthdays are a time for bittersweet reflection.

Humor doesn’t exist in a bubble

We need to be sure we bring this attitude into other conversations as well.

Eighty years ago we left the Jews behind. Who are we forgetting now?

I see the same pain of my Jewish peers at Michigan in my Tibetan and Hong Kong peers at UR. 

Minding the greeting gap

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a universal greeting code?

The Campus Times is changing, again

The expansion doesn’t look like it’s going to let up this semester.

The Campus Times’ next step

As I pass the torch to the next publisher, the bar has been raised for the CT’s potential.

A response to the recent College Republicans letter

I should recognize the optics of a piece disappearing from our site soon after it is posted.

How jigsaw puzzles taught me to be a better person

Aren’t we always more impressed by the athlete that masters a move on the first try than the athlete that has mastered it after years of practice?

You don’t need to drink to have fun

I know I’m in the minority. I’m here to vouch, however, that partying sober is not that bad. 

Please don’t take a ‘creative’ class if you won’t try

Just showing up to relax and writing “when you feel like it” — a perfectly valid pursuit — is what Nanowrimo and A03 are for.