Ed Observers
I know you can talk, now show me you can listen
You don’t change minds without listening to what they’re saying in the first place.
Mental Health
Make sure your motivation is yours
Once the goals you work toward for other people’s approval or money come to fruition, you might find yourself much less satisfied than you expected.
The drinking age has kept speakeasies around
Perhaps the most important source of power for fraternities is alcohol.
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All of Rochester is depending on all of us
There is a special kind of irony in a student receiving the privilege of a higher education transmitting a deadly disease to some of the most vulnerable people in the nation.
A letter from the Editor
So why do we do this? Why bother adding our amateur-hour content to the information overload? Because it's fun to care.
Ed Observers
Farewell transmission
Why is it all ending this way? Partly because of the unavoidable chaos of disease, and partly because of the inevitable march of time.
Ed Observers
Campus Times will return to print
The dust of this pandemic is far from settled, but it’s safe to say no one will deny the merits…
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Making peace with introversion
Beyond just wanting to blend in, though, I was always stuck on the idea that bigger personalities could accomplish more.
The merits of growing your own herbs
In a fragmented system that demands impersonality, why not return some of that vigour to the self?
american politics
The U.S. government’s economic response to COVID-19 is a rip-off
How can the nation with the largest amount of wealth and access have such a weak bureaucracy?