Ed Observers

We need SA’s advocacy

If I thought SA didn’t matter, I wouldn’t care about senators resigning.

President Biden isn’t sleepy – he’s complicit

The only reason to be bored with Biden is if you don’t have to care about everything that’s still going wrong.

Where are all the good cops?

You simply cannot be a good cop if you ally with (or even stay silent about) the ones who kill, maim, and traumatize.

$15/hour isn’t a living wage, no matter what they tell you

A $15/hour minimum wage means barely scraping by each month — if at all.

UR needs to lighten up its winter campus

We need more light, so why not get creative with it?

My purple phase

Dye fades, but you persist. 

Take a closer look at Wilson Commons’ war memorials

If we’re callous, careless, or ignorant in our memorialization of those who gave their lives for this country, can we really say that we’ve honored them?

How the Campus Times did this fall

We’re tasked with keeping the people in power at our University accountable, but you, our readers (the few that there are), have to keep us accountable, too.

Arguing is not a love language

People need to recognize the difference between challenging their partner and simply being incompatible.

Neutrality is not a tool for change

There is only the persistence of the institution and those who dare to confront it.