Editorial Boards

Parking for the public

Have you ever wondered why UR seems to host fewer “big name” attractions as compared to other nearby colleges? Surely…

Common exam pains

Many UR students know the pain that is waking up for exams during common exam time. Being up at 7…

Extend fall break

   UR students are tired. Midterm season is upon us, essays are piling up and stress is visible on students’…

Got journalism?

   Student newspapers are an ancient tradition for almost every university in this country, but many schools still do not…

Housing problems

   As class sizes expand each year, on-campus housing options have become far too slim — freshmen are “tripled” in…

Rochester 'brain drain'

While the recently-released College Destinations Index ranked the city of Rochester highly in some regards, more notable were the ways…

A lack of access

Life is hard enough on those with physical disabilities without having to spend extra time trying to navigate the pathways through campus. Unfortunately, with certain buildings being inaccessible and routes that do have ramps and elevators often being quite convoluted, those with physical disabilities are unnecessarily hassled by the lack of accessibility on campus.

Skyrocketing prices

Complaining about the prices of textbooks in a school’s bookstore is like saying the university’s food isn’t as good as…

Changing Times

Last week marked the end of nearly a year of work, discussions and internal planning for the Campus Times. After…

Islamic outreach

The Interfaith Alliance of Rochester demonstration that took place last Sunday — which brought together students and faculty alike in…