Editorial Boards

Transcript trauma

The absence of a confirmation email from the University Registrar when transcripts are mailed out can complicate the application process.

Lost in the tunnels

Improving signage could help lost students and visitors navigate the byzantine UR tunnel system.

Textbook Listing Woes

Books for cross-listed classes aren't displayed on the UR Bookstore website, causing student troubles.

Campus club disconnection

The Campus Club Connection website should allow students to unsubscribe from student group mailing lists.


The Editorial Board's "Cheers" for the events of this past year!


The other side of this year's events at UR.

The news at Hillside

What if we could grab newspapers at the Hillside Market?

Breaking the fast later

The Commons could greatly benefit students by extending breakfast just another 30 minutes.

Syllabus for all of us

Making syllabi available during online registration could greatly benefit the academically curious.

Let there be more light

Lighting at UR isn't as brilliant as some describe it to be.