Editorial Boards

Mapping the city of Rochester

The Common Connection needs a greater selection of city of Rochester maps.

Food for thought

The Hillside Market needs a more expansive selection of fruits and vegetables.

Amending vending

Vending machines on campus need to be equipped with card readers.

Medical amnesty amelioration

UR's newly instated policy on medical amnesty will be beneficial to UR students, despite some flaws and a later announcement than would have been most pertinent.

Implementing a better intercom

Rush Rhees has a somewhat antiquated intercom system, rendering communication on library procedures difficult.

Grumbles heard in Goergen

The lack of tokens available at the gym present an inconvenience to students.

Re-evaluating evaluations

Since transitioning to on-line forms, course evaluation rates have plummeted from 75 percent to 40 percent. In a commendable move to improve student feedback rates, professors are being requested to set aside class time for students to fill out the forms.

Letchworth worthwhile

Amidst concerns over the transition of Dandelion Day festivities to Friday, The SA, CAB and University sponsored trip this Saturday to Letchworth State Park provides a welcome alternative.

The news that’s fit to print

When the University is featured in the media, the stories are collected and mailed to students. However, by the time the list is distributed, it is already out of date. The newsletter should feature more timely yet more concise listings.

Referencing the library

UR's libraries offer a wide range of spaces, with a variety of associated functions. These locations should be labeled on site, so students are more aware of whether each spot is better suited for group work or quiet studying.