Editorial Boards

SA budget needs deliberation

On Monday, April 8, the Students’ Association (SA) Senate approved the $1,154,250 SA budget for the 2013-14 school year —…

Reconsider drinking age, join Amethyst Initiative

The bottom line is that when it comes to alcohol, everyone needs to be personally responsible — whether 18, 21, or 50.

ID cards should be shareable

After filling up a basket of grocery goodies, you’re stopped at the register: “You can’t use someone else’s ID card.” What do you do if you’re not up to paying for six sandwiches out of the goodness of your heart — and Declining?

River Campus lacks music space

With limited practice space and access to only a single guitar amp designated for general use — that is, for students not part of music programs — guitarists at the River Campus cannot help but feel underwhelmed.

Peace officers pose potential problem for River Campus

[caption id="attachment_68082" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of bluelinesecuritygroups.com[/caption] The Security Commission convened by President Joel Seligman and chaired by Senior Vice…

Intuition of locked-in tuition

Often, the most disconcerting aspect of tuition increases is the year-to-year uncertainty — one that is easily absorbed by large universities and not so much by the average undergraduate.

Expand SafeRide off campus

[caption id="attachment_63332" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of the UR Students' Association[/caption] Currently, SafeRide, an SA funded program, transports students to and…

Town Halls: top communication

University President Joel Seligman addressed members of the UR community.

A closer look at Cuomo

While Cuomo's budget plan is detailed, on track to be on-time, and fairly comprehensive while adding no new taxes, his method of delivery left much to be desired from a research standpoint.

Questioning the bottle ban

Green Team proposes a ban on water bottles. Here's why UR shouldn't.