Editorial Boards

Make education resemble real life

In an age when there are consistently high expectations for the United States’ fiscal and social role in the world,…

SA budget needs deliberation

On Monday, April 8, the Students’ Association (SA) Senate approved the $1,154,250 SA budget for the 2013-14 school year —…

Reconsider drinking age, join Amethyst Initiative

The bottom line is that when it comes to alcohol, everyone needs to be personally responsible — whether 18, 21, or 50.

ID cards should be shareable

After filling up a basket of grocery goodies, you’re stopped at the register: “You can’t use someone else’s ID card.” What do you do if you’re not up to paying for six sandwiches out of the goodness of your heart — and Declining?

River Campus lacks music space

With limited practice space and access to only a single guitar amp designated for general use — that is, for students not part of music programs — guitarists at the River Campus cannot help but feel underwhelmed.

Peace officers pose potential problem for River Campus

[caption id="attachment_68082" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of bluelinesecuritygroups.com[/caption] The Security Commission convened by President Joel Seligman and chaired by Senior Vice…

Intuition of locked-in tuition

Often, the most disconcerting aspect of tuition increases is the year-to-year uncertainty — one that is easily absorbed by large universities and not so much by the average undergraduate.

Expand SafeRide off campus

[caption id="attachment_63332" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of the UR Students' Association[/caption] Currently, SafeRide, an SA funded program, transports students to and…

Town Halls: top communication

University President Joel Seligman addressed members of the UR community.

A closer look at Cuomo

While Cuomo's budget plan is detailed, on track to be on-time, and fairly comprehensive while adding no new taxes, his method of delivery left much to be desired from a research standpoint.