Editorial Boards

Dress to Impress

We are at an awkward phase in life. We are done with high school but have not yet braved the…

Great Intention; Bad Allocation

Ever since Brian F. Prince, former UR soccer captain and current CEO of ORIX USA Corporation, dropped an exorbitant sum…

Sister Campuses Must Warm Relations

Everyday of the week, big white busses pull up in front of the ITS. Doors open and bus drivers welcome…

Weigh All Ideas For Bookstore Spot

With the campus bookstore moving off to its new College Town location, the school administration is left with a large…

Haiyan must not have final word

Two weeks ago, Typhoon Haiyan, a Category 5 super typhoon, struck the Philippines. With winds reaching 195 miles per hour…

Controversy generates conversation

Over the course of the fall 2013 semester, we have published numerous articles that our readers have considered controversial. As…

Check your facts, we’ll check ours

Recent letters to the editor received by the Campus Times have been particularly critical of members of the Editorial Board…

Bring back the bar buses

  It has been almost two years since UR discontinued the practice of providing buses to transport students from campus…

Americans have a growing problem

Americans are fat. One can regularly see the masses of overweight around town snacking. At the same time, there are…

Assess A.D.H.D. diagnoses, prevent amphetamine abuse

  We live in an age when students have easy access to A.D.H.D medication, regardless of whether they have a…