Editorial Boards

In solidarity against hate

We stand in solidarity with the peaceful protesters who gathered for the “Not My America” demonstration on Friday. The event showed what strength and dignity, even amid fear, look like.

Take the time to learn from other disciplines

The world is yours to discover, so don’t limit yourself—learn something new.

Lessons from the DPS gun decision: Listen to minority students

University President Joel Seligman’s decision to arm 42 Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers is a disappointing one.

Cheers and jeers: Mel Weekend edition

Jeers to whichever students (or alumni!) stole the “R” from the gigantic M-E-L-I-O-R-A on the Eastman Quad.

Reject the gun recommendation

Seligman should certainly not accept the recommendation as it now stands, and it must be subjected to careful fact-checking if he is to consider it at all.

Gun plan isn’t bulletproof

The final decision on the matter remains for Seligman to make, but the proposal, for all its flaws, is a good one.

Learn from Lam Square

What, exactly, is the point of all those tablets, apart from serving as autograph books and doodle pads? Are they just advertisements?

Cheers and Jeers for the new year

Cheers to the new swingset in the grassy bowl behind Rush Rhees Library.

We need critics, too

News outlets, powerful and influential as they are, have an obligation to report things fairly, but sometimes impartiality becomes detachment.

A call for decorum in the DPS gun debate

These people are not stupid. They are not out to bilk students out of their money, to make them feel unsafe, or to operate in secrecy in order to sneak possibly objectionable measures under their noses.
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