Editorial Boards

Not fooling anyone

We’re not yet sure if these posters were printed as a wide-scale trolling effort or with genuine intent to radicalize, but the truth is, it doesn’t really matter.

Stop running on fumes

What UR does within the larger context of universities and its role in fighting climate change matters, and the administration would do well to remember that.

Tiptoeing toward tuition transparency

It’s a welcome about-face from a government that often seems disinterested in giving its constituents that level of respect.

A clarification on coverage

The choice to report on SA critically is one made not out of spite, but out of our newsroom philosophy and coverage calculus.

On tuitions and transparency

The obligation of higher education institutions with endowments in the billions should be to its financially weakest community members, not its bottom line.

‘Color’ week means well, falls short

We're Better Than THAT's week long campaign has all the right goals, but in the end doesn't land.

Cheers and jeers

The Editorial Board relays some of the highs and lows of being a student this semester.

The next move

These times of political discontent have left many feeling hopeless, afraid, and alone among all the madness going on.

On Trump’s order, UR is falling behind its peers

For a university that seems to make so many decisions based on the policies of their peer institutions, you’d think they’d have taken the hint on this one.

Our absent executive branch

Martino and Floto have been relatively absent since taking the helm of our student government.