Editorial Boards

With secret vote on Equestrian’s future, SA Government betrayed the public’s trust

Accountability within SA Government is a pipe dream.

The fatal flaw in SA’s new transparency bill

There’s a piece of legislation that’s just made its way through the SA Government system, and it’s about transparency.

Let’s hope Feldman stays on the path

Richard Feldman, when he takes over as UR’s president later this month, will spend the majority of his interim tenure trying to repair UR’s reputation and to regain this community’s trust after last semester’s fumbling of campus outrage over how sexual misconduct is investigated here.

Seligman was right to step down

By any realistic standard, it’s clear that Seligman would not have been able to continue leading UR.

UR can’t skimp on the basics

A parking garage wouldn’t be as flashy a thing to have your name on, but it would sure make a lot of people’s lives easier.

Protect grad students from tax hike

Currently passing through the U.S. Senate and House are two version of a tax reform bill with potentially major impact…

Cheers and jeers

CHEERS to SA’s creation of a minority student cabinet position, which could magnify historically silenced voices. JEERS to the administration’s…

A welcome addition to campus media

Last month, the Language Center released its first edition of the new Language Center newsletter, which includes the Multilingual Gazette…

Are we thinking of tomorrow’s student?

The iZone, one of the administration’s latest gimmicks on campus, is hard to explain. It’s supposed to be an “entrepreneurial…

Admire the groundhogs safely

No good can come of trying to bait or goad groundhogs into human contact.