Security Update

Man hits a pole, and takes it too

Your weekly dose of robbery, fire alarms and injury.

Which seat should they take?

Your weekly dose of missing electronics, food allergies and car trouble.

Student roused after shots, shots, shots

Your weekly dose of alcohol debauchery, theft and injury.

Bench broken, origin still a mystery

Your weekly does of broken benches, concussions and loitering juveniles.

Security Update: Youths box-cutting through campus

Your weekly dose of theft and injuries.

Security Update: Unlicensed undergrad unleashed

Your weekly dose or erratic driving and late night Rugby injuries.

Security Update: His towel is bigger than yours

[caption id="attachment_16148" align="alignleft" width="278" caption="Courtesy of"][/caption] 1.  An individual wearing a towel around his neck refused to stop when…

Security Update: Fire dept. doesn't trash safety

1. A fire alarm was activated in the Sigma Chi Fraternity House on Saturday, Sept. 3, at 7:34 p.m., according…

Security Update: Orange ninjas strike at deKiewiet

Your weekly dose of ninjas, aggression, and ailments.

Elbows are, like, so the new fists

This week's dose of car break-ins and loitering.