
Presentation explores role of Black women in suffrage movement

SUNY Oneonta Assistant Professor of History Dr. Susan Goodier began her lecture by emphasizing the importance of telling the stories of Black suffragists. She said that they should be “household names, like the names of white suffragists.” 

UR’s COVID-19 budget cuts lead to faculty frustrations

Though the cuts were necessary given the financial strains caused by the pandemic, they caused some indirect consequences for faculty in both the short and the long run.

Students talk racism in STEM

“This is exactly why we’re here,” Colberg said, later adding, “Hajim definitely could have had a spot in the Scholar Strike [...] It’s kind of disappointing that not one professor took the time to center [a] lecture around that." 

Alumni Relations discuss lack of college access for local Black and Latinx students

Last Wednesday, over 100 UR alumni, faculty, staff, and community members attended the first monthly lecture and discussion series entitled REAL (Rochester’s Equity and Access Leadership) Conversations honoring Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month. 

BLM protestors poster Wilson Commons, Rush Rhees

“We want action. So no committees, no sitting down with student groups, they did that all throughout the summer, sat down with so many student leaders [...] just to pacify us,” junior Demilade Oladele said. 

Interfaith candlelight vigil honors Daniel Prude 

“I am in mourning for a man I never met because I fear that one day, it could be my brother or my mother — or me,” Baker said. 

URMC presentation talks racism in the medical world

Though “white people can suffer from racial prejudice,” Cullen said, “white people cannot suffer from racism or be subjected to racism.” 

Protestors occupy Rochester City Hall overnight

On the morning of Sept. 15, protesters gathered in front of City Hall to fight for and reiterate the movement’s demands.

Kearns Center receives grant to support first-gen, low-income students

The Kearns Center’s model of support includes a mix of "intensive academic advising, graduate school preparation, and an emphasis on undergraduate research."

UR offers free COVID-19 testing to students participating in recent protests

According to Dudman, as of Sept. 17, 102 students participating in protests have been tested for COVID-19 through this free testing scheme.