
New report reveals the University’s economic regional impact

A new report has found that University’s economic reach in the greater Rochester region has more than doubled in the…

UR student’s coffee company hit by Hurricane Ida

When Hurricane Ida hit New York City, nobody, especially 24-year-old UR student and owner of Don Carvajal Cafe, Hector Castillo…

President Mangelsdorf decides flag display will not be returning to Hirst Lounge

After nearly two years of uncertainty, a lengthy proposal, and months of discussion, University President Sarah Mangelsdorf decided this past…
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UR discontinues Social Security Number Focus Groups for international students

UR has discontinued the Social Security Number (SSN) Focus Groups, a program that enabled international students to receive an SSN,…

Remote international students unable to attend UR in-person

To address student concerns about not being able to make it to campus on time for in-person classes, junior Alina Fang published a petition on Aug. 11 on the SA Impact website for international students to continue the hybrid learning model into the fall. At the time of publication, 284 students signed the petition.

MERT announces indefinite pause

On Aug. 25, the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) released a post on Instagram stating that they were going on pause this semester.

Yellowjacket Weekend brings students together after an isolating year

After almost a year and a half of remote learning, UR has kicked off the start of a fully in-person semester with Yellowjacket Weekend.

This year’s UR Dining experience: Fresh produce, less waste

Last week, in response to an Opinions article about the best and worst of campus food, Director of Campus Dining Services Cameron Schauf asked if he could talk to the Campus Times to discuss what’s new.

Masks mandate ‘temporarily’ reinstated regardless of vaccine status, students split

On Aug. 9, UR reinstated the indoor mask requirement for all University campuses in a message from the President’s Office,…

New student orientation brings back traditions, excludes new sophomores

Incoming first-years and sophomores were welcomed last week with the renewal of many Rochester traditions that were cancelled last year…