ban plastic debate
To ban or not to ban: The future of plastic bottles at UR
This debate and survey were the first steps to assess the student body’s attitude toward the ban, and they will ultimately influence Dining Services’s decision for or against plastic bottles.
minimum wage
University to raise minimum wage for non-student employees
On Nov. 21, the minimum wage will increase from $12.50 to $15 an hour, according to a Newscenter article published by UR Spokesperson Sara Miller.
UR to observe Juneteenth as an official University holiday
Beginning in 2022, the University will officially observe Juneteenth as a University holiday.
international student
Talk on international students’ challenges inspires action for UR
On Thursday, Nov. 3, over 20 participants attended the Humanities Center’s event featuring a lecture by Dr. Lakmali Jayasinghe titled “The Burdens of Borders: Understanding International Students’ Challenges through Oral History Narratives.”
Tentative agreement reached between union workers, UR and Strong Memorial Hospital, members to vote next week
On Oct. 29, 1,800 service workers at UR and Strong Memorial Hospital reached a two-year tentative agreement with employers after…
Power to the polls: UR set to become an official polling place
Since CPE’s establishment, one of its goals has been to set up an official polling place on campus, and that goal is becoming a reality.
committee for political engagement
Mayor-Elect Malik Evans on the importance of local politics and community engagement in Rochester
Rochester’s got a new mayor in town, and he wants UR students to vote local. Almost Mayor-Elect and UR alum…
Anti-Jaeger protest held over Mel Weekend, Jaeger responds
During Meliora Weekend, an estimated 40 people protested against Tim Florian Jaeger, a professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Computer Science who, in 2016, had been accused of alleged sexual misconduct.
App implemented to help students know occupancy of library spaces
This fall, UR students can monitor occupancy rates in River Campus Library (RCL) spaces through the Waitz App, seeing which areas of the library have free space without having to physically visit it themselves.
Staff shortages limits dining options for students on campus, student demand refunds
With this drastic shift, hours have shortened at certain dining areas, and more niche options have closed entirely.