
Sustainability seminar discusses new research in wetland restoration 

Despite the complications with an increase in development and industrialization, Tyler says there is worthwhile intervention in actively restoring wetlands.

Dining updates include GrubHub ending Feb. 14

Many students who spoke with the Campus Times were disappointed about the closure of off-campus GrubHub purchases. 

BIC holds College Diversity Roundtable

The CDR, which meets monthly, focused on these topics as a result of the student backlash against a professor’s decision to deny a student the ability to make up a lab for the Lunar New Year. 

SA Summary: Flag display alternatives meetings start, cultural holiday legislation

During their Feb. 7  meeting, SA Senate discussed committee updates, scheduling their town hall, the new SA website, and a procedural change that would put students before senators in their speaker’s list order, among other topics.

Medallion Program workshop ends abruptly after student-moderator conflict

Group participation was encouraged, with Getnick specifically noting that she wanted people “to feel like they can ask questions.” The engagement part of the event was honored by Getnick ending the call in the middle of a statement by a recent graduate.

Professor denies student class exemption on Lunar New Year, bias report filed

Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Jude Mitchell is under review after denying a student an excused absence on Tuesday, Feb. 1, the Lunar New Year.

Pete Davidson offers advice, scolds hecklers at Winterfest

Davidson talked about his time on SNL, his dislike of “Euphoria,” Willem Dafoe’s large penis, Adam Sandler, showed some of his tattoos, and gave his advice on various topics, including recommending ketamine to the entire student body.

In-person learning is now mandatory 

According to Runner, in-person learning will now be required for all students, and “[s]tudents will not be allowed to learn remotely for any longer time period.”

New guidelines for campus as in-person classes resume

UR is trying to shift most aspects of university life back to campus, with a modified hybrid model requiring professors to accommodate students in isolation or quarantine, but prioritizing masked, in-person learning. 

2022 Commencement to be in-person

Due to the pandemic, all in-person traditions have been postponed or significantly altered until now.