URMC provides opioid overdose prevention training
Naloxone displaces the opioid from the brain receptors, which stops the effects of the overdose for sixty to ninety minutes. This allows time for a hospital to intervene.
Graduate Student Union
Students protest against incoming presidential administration, calling it “fascist”
Held in the days following President Trump’s inauguration, the rally featured a combination of prepared speeches, calls to action, an open forum, and chanting.
UR Libraries show ways to find books for free
There are three main options for students to find low-to-no cost course materials: Course Reserves, UR and Public Libraries, and open web sources.
Health Promotion Office
Naloxone, also known as Narcan, can save your life from an overdose. And you can get it for free, anonymously, on campus.
The Health Promotion Office is currently working with University Facilities on the installation of three more boxes: one in the lobby of the Goergen Athletic Center and two in the Rush Rhees library.
Students gather in unregistered protest of administration’s alleged complicity in the war in Gaza
Speakers at the protest on campus told the audience that the “temporary ceasefire” was a reprieve, but that the “fight” was not over.
Boar's Head Dinner
Masked protesters disrupt Boar’s Head, protest charges against students
Protesters gathered in front of the Highe Table and urged the University to drop the criminal charges against the four students recently charged with second-degree criminal mischief, saying that the University’s response is disproportionate compared to other bias-related incident reports.
Students’ Association passes resolution on administration’s response to “wanted” posters, demands charges dropped
On Monday evenings, the Gowen Room is usually nearly empty aside from the senators at the weekly Students’ Association Senate meeting. But on Nov. 18, nearly every seat was filled.
ROCTalks and SJP talk on extremism in the face of genocide
"There is no reason to have any stability with somebody who does not have any problem contributing to a genocide in any way,” Hess said.
Protestors gather to oppose suspension and arrest of four students for “wanted” posters
“I call on the University to urge the county to drop the criminal charges against our students and to defer whatever disciplinary proceedings so that our students are afforded the opportunity to finish out the semester," Dubler said.
Friends of Strong presents their annual Holiday Market
"Shop small, support local, it's the best thing you can do for holiday shopping right now," Ahmed said.