
Employee furloughs and pay cuts spur calls for equity

Several groups have been calling for administration to take a second look at these decisions.

Flags will be lowered for UR employee death

Steven Merriam, a technician for the School of Medicine and Dentistry, died May 19. 

Fall 2020 plans tentatively announced in the face of COVID-19

Classes will start in late August, and be offered in-person and online through Thanksgiving, according to the email.

Meliora Weekend canceled for Fall 2020

The announcement, written by Senior Vice President for University Advancement Thomas Farrell, says that the University canceled the event due to concerns surrounding COVID-19.

UR graduates seniors online

For the Class of 2020, graduation was delivered through videos, written messages, Zoom meetings, and social media filters. The speeches,…

URMC studies COVID-19 vaccines, social distancing

Though testing will take place with multiple visits over a period of two years, it’s possible that the resulting vaccine will be ready for emergency use before then, with plans in place for millions of doses to be available by the end of the year, and production being upped to hundreds of millions in 2021.

Admissions sees changes in face of COVID-19

While much of the incoming Class of 2024 saw a move to online learning just weeks before the deadline to enroll, prospective applicants for the Class of 2025 face a rapidly-changing admissions landscape.

Mangelsdorf and administrators plan for an uncertain semester

The town hall — which lasted around an hour — covered a variety of topics, like staff furloughs and the UR Medical Center’s (URMC) work facing the pandemic.

UR team develops COVID-19 screening software for URMC workers

By asking questions related to the disease’s symptoms, the tool tells the user whether they potentially have COVID-19.

URMC studies COVID-19 immune system responses

The study may impact efforts to create a vaccine for the virus by investigating questions like why there are so many mild and asymptomatic infections, whether people can be re-infected, and whether the virus is mutating.