URAC town hall discusses student demands, future meeting with Mangelsdorf
“Everyone here has a purpose,” Agyare-Kumi said. “But we need to come together.”
Carillon concert commemorates COVID-19 tragedies
For the past week, the bells at the top of Rush Rhees were rung in memory of alumni who lost their lives due to COVID-19.
UHS conducts more COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests for spring semester
To up their surveillance abilities, UR is conducting more Rapid Antigen Tests instead of just RT-PCR tests this spring.
Students sent wrong information in degree audit mix up
UR Student — an online system for class registration, student finance, and record-keeping — was rolled out last April. Since the switch, students have pointed out a few growing pains.
Center for Community Engagement
RCCL changes name to better reflect department’s goals
As part of its recent rebranding process, The Rochester Center for Community Leadership (RCCL) changed its name last month to the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) in an effort to accurately reflect what the Center does. The name change coincides with RCCL’s 15th anniversary.
Runner responds to student concerns over lunch
On Monday, Nov. 16, 15 students attended a Zoom lunch hour with Jeffrey Runner, Dean of the College in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, to air grievances and ask questions about whatever they wanted.
kearns center
Students reflect on UR’s mental health support
The increased difficulty of the semester in addition to online classes, COVID-19 precautions, and Zoom fatigue, has made burnout a critical issue for many students — especially the FGLI/POC community.
Academic Honesty
Reforms passed to the Board on Academic Honesty
The main reform includes a change to the student and faculty representation. Previously, the Hearing Board consisted of three professors and two student representatives. The Board now consists of two professors and two student representatives.
Students occupy frigid DPS lot, Mangelsdorf and DPS chief promise discussion
Six hours into their Saturday occupation of the Department of Public Safety’s parking lot, student activists spoke with President Sarah Mangelsdorf and Commissioner Mark Fischer over issues surrounding DPS.
Executive Director of ResLife Talks About Plans for Winter Stay, Spring Semester
Students looking to stay on campus over the extra-long winter break will be able to snag a room free of charge if they already have a housing contract for the school year.