
Public Safety reports armed robbery attempt near Hill Court Footbridge

DPS commended the victim for their reaction. “You never know what’s in a person’s mind,” Assistant DPS Director Commander Dana Perrin said. “I think the victim just reacted very quickly and made an almost unconscious [choice] that they wanted to separate from the suspect.”

Title IX Coordinator Morgan Levy resigns

In an interview with Campus Times, Levy said that two of the main reasons for her resignation back in September were massive cuts made to the Title IX budget, and administration refusing to let her see student complaints against UR faculty and staff. 

Election Day confirmed as a day off in response to student push

The planned ‘day off’ was announced on Wednesday, Oct. 28 in an email by Runner responding to student complaints about an accelerated and stressful mostly online semester.

UR community explores COVID-19 misinformation in talk

“We’re also biased ourselves, we have our own values and worldview [...] — and of course it’s good to have these, you don’t want to give them up,” he said. “But we don’t [necessarily want] our feelings to interfere with our ability to accept credible information, especially about health.”

Students explore the phrase “Defund the Police” in panel: what it means and what it entails

“Defunding the police essentially means the police will be funded but will not be overfund[ed],” she said. “The city budget will be redistributed [...] [meaning] everyone [will get] a fair share in terms of the funding."

UR students petition for new fall break

On Tuesday, an SA Impact petition asking the administration for a new fall break on Nov. 3 and 4 garnered nearly 600 signatures within an hour of its release.

SADACA talks mass killings of Armenians in Artsakh

Last Friday, the Student Association for the Development of Arab Cultural Awareness (SADACA) hosted an event for organizers and attendees alike to discuss events currently happening in Artsakh and how people could get involved in helping Armenians and the people of Artsakh.

UR community group proposes expanded, empowered Public Safety Review Board

One of those expanded powers would be approval over the Department of Public Safety’s budget. The reformed PSRB would also have around 40 members, while the current PSRB has nine.

Presentation explores role of Black women in suffrage movement

SUNY Oneonta Assistant Professor of History Dr. Susan Goodier began her lecture by emphasizing the importance of telling the stories of Black suffragists. She said that they should be “household names, like the names of white suffragists.” 

UR’s COVID-19 budget cuts lead to faculty frustrations

Though the cuts were necessary given the financial strains caused by the pandemic, they caused some indirect consequences for faculty in both the short and the long run.