UR Joking
Quad Skunk fills void left by Quad Fox?
Administration has decided to adopt Quad Skunk as an official unofficial mascot, T-shirts will be sold at the bookstore for the low, low price of $100.
UR to finish first place in fort competition
The skeleton of the award-winning fort is visible in Hirst, formally known as the Flag Lounge, now known as the Fort Lounge.
Goddamn yellowjackets everywhere
From the Humor Section: According to many sources on the University’s historic River Campus, there are yellowjackets absolutely all over the goddamn place.
How the highway to hell has changed for COVID
Even though I’m in Hell this semester, and not lurking in the tunnels, don’t despair! I’ll be holding Zoom sessions for you to get taken care of.
Supreme to sponsor new Optics Laser
The Supreme x UR Optics collab, the Yellowjacket-Machina Laser, drops Dec.r 21. According to University President Sarah Mangelsdorf, this has…
dorm room
Disappointment at disappearance of dorm room galleries
“I’ve been having people over at the house. I know we’re not supposed to, but I think the rule breaking just contributes to the artistry of my decor."
How a transnasal lobotomy made me reevaluate my life
What was supposed to be a brief nasal swab scrambled my brain like an ostrich egg. I immediately blacked out for 18 hours. I think.
Varsity football to become scooter club due to pandemic
Maybe a cavalry charge would be a good analogy? Either way, they’re zooming around campus on scooters and having a blast doing it.
How to enter a dorm you don’t live in
Sometimes you just need to visit a friend. Sometimes you have to get creative to get into their dorm room.
UR Joking
Meridians seen wandering deserted River Campus may be ghosts
Corroborating reports from Public Safety, Facilities, and the student-led GhostbustURs have confirmed the presence of wandering spectral Meridians.