UR Joking
#Fuck spiders
Southside spiders seriously spook Stella
Imagine my displeasure upon finding a gargantuan, lustrous-rumped, gangly-legged, octo-eyed, bitch-ass orb weaver staring at me from its tiny nest of butt string.
#Scary movies
About ten scary movies to watch in the dark
Scary movies have driven Halloween since the first moving picture was created by a guy carving a bunch of tiny shapes into a turnip and spinning it around really fast.
Wake up sheeple!
Decked from head to toe in sheepskin vests, fluffy boots, and sheep-adorned masks, you’ll never guess what twist this group of FOX News viewers pulled on the “ridiculous CDC regulations.”
#Part of a complete breakfast
Soylent-Quarantine for Halloween
Our scientists and witchcraft students have invented a new kind of food that not only can feed our students, but has all the saccharine empty calories of Halloween candy.
#Get off the steps
A nightmare on fraternity road: sexy Swarm Monitor
Imagine if we didn’t have SWARM monitors at parties, who would tell you to get off the steps?
Dr Chat Bot
Dr. Chatbot is coming for us all
Beyond mining your data from its daily screenings, there’s a darker secret to the program’s schtick. Dr. Chatbot is going to take over the world.
Groundbreaking groundhog goes blonde
Blondeboi has been reviewed by Monroe County Animal Control, and ruled legally blonde.
UR to be Named an Ivy School
Nichols also said that whenever she looks at the ivy it “brings back fond memories of [her] rejection letter from Cornell,” and she’s not the only one!
Message to the UR community on recent controversy
In the spirit of supporting our students and retaining a happy campus, we have decided to create an environment of blissful ignorance.