UR Joking

Study finds link between gaming and decreased sex life

That’s right, more and more men are playing videogames in their parents basement, and it’s having an impact on their sex life. 

Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ clearly needs more slow motion

When I found out 10% of the film was in slow motion, I thought to myself, “Come on Zack, what the fuck? Why not make an hour of it in slow motion?"

Rocky gets Queer Eye makeover

UR’s beloved mascot, Rocky the Yellowjacket, has gotten another makeover — this time with the help of the Fab Five from “Queer Eye.”

Boat’s Stuck. Can’t Help.

From the April Fools section: The current plan is to have the Mechanical Engineering students design tugboats to pull the larger boat into place.

UR Plagued: A Passover tale

At the start of this month, I decided to embrace the holiday and reread the story of Passover to put myself in the shoes of my ancestors.

The major flaws with each major in STEM

I felt safe writing this article, mostly because I am operating under the assumption that only a small fraction of STEM majors can actually read anything other than scatter plots and Python.

8 ways to make friends during a pandemic (#4 will SHOCK you!)

In these unprecedented, never-before-seen, new, foreign, unexplored times of quarantine, it’s more important than ever to remember that humans are social creatures. 

What to do with your Campus Times stickers

Here at UR, in an effort to be ever better and ever quirkier, several students have asked how to make this new merch really shine. Thus, here are a couple ideas on how to rep the CT brand (but not like all those other stickerers).

Drink to the future: How one student became a psychic

So how did Noah Dafuture, a UR junior, gain his psychic powers? Dafuture attributes his success to drinking the mysterious liquid found inside a Magic 8 Ball.

The beeping revolution: A timeline of events

The alarms became more and more regular. Soon enough they were ringing every day in Wilco. There were endless complaints. They had no idea how much ruin was in store for us all.