UR Joking

Beavers: so vogue

With the lovable face of a muskrat paired with that irresistible tail of a platypus, what is not to love? Don’t even get me started on those phenomenal incisors. 
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Discouragement, motivation, and other unhelpful tips

Once you make it to hysterical laughter over the thought of the amount of work you have left to do, you’ve reached peak college nihilism. Join the club. I’m so proud of you! /s.

Disgruntled professors launch “Rate My Students”

The courageous can head over to RateMyStudents.com for a conclusive answer to a different question: Just how much do your professors hate your guts?

Rekindling my religious fire with the Miami Boys Choir

One commenter on the original MBC video referred to the genre of music as “K-Pop (kosher pop),” and I haven’t stopped laughing at the randomness of this phenomenon in public whenever I think about it a little too hard.

A guide to first-year attachment styles

The math isn’t mathing, and that’s good because it’s going to confuse the anxious-ambivalents, which was our goal all along.

Reslife comic

But what happened to your bed?

TOP SECRET: My life as an undercover freshman

Even after hours of simpering chatter over empty fry boats, I still have no goddamn clue why they flock to the Pit like fledgling geese scrambling to shit on my lawn.

Feel the Chemistry

There is no outside world: Existence is a prison, and carbon is my enemy. The fuck is a valence? Electric-type Pokémon did not prepare me for this shit.

A brief guide to the trials and tribulations regarding the steps of Rochester

This University, conveniently, has no consistency in their stair design: the first-year quad has some beefy steps and Wilco has tiny little bitch stairs.

Fall cleaning: storage suggestions for your Google Drive

A proposed schedule for an interdisciplinary major you never created? A PDF that just has a singular smiley face on it in 72-point font? You’re past that. New Drive, new you.