UR Tech

UR Tech: Why tech secrets aren’t really secrets

Last week’s Apple press conference seemed like a guarded trove of secrets. Sessions for the conference were given teasing names…

UR Tech: 3D Pizza

3D printers are amazing things. You walk into a lab, plug in a flash drive with a bit of software,…

UR Tech: Heartbleed exploit shocks internet community

[caption id="attachment_103582" align="alignleft" width="300"] Tiffany White, Illustrator[/caption] On April 9. a massive and unforeseen software lapse took the Internet protocol…

UR Tech: All my vices are devices

Can hyperactive, online  communication decrease your focus and impact your study productivity? It’s a normal weekday afternoon when your head…

UR Tech: Evading international internet blockades

While the news that Turkey has banned mainstream websites such as Twitter and Youtube may be a bit shocking, filtering…

UR Tech: The future of virtual reality

About a week ago, one of my cohorts in a virtual reality (VR) project called me aside in the lab…

UR Tech: Google’s global domination

The Comcast-TWC merger is fast approaching, and with it comes a collective groan from every cable user in America.  The…

UR Tech: Sochi drones pave way for new sports filming

If you were one of the 219.4 million viewers of the recently-completed Sochi Winter Olympics, you probably saw your fair…

UR Tech: The limits of your unlimited data plan

If you’ve been a mobile phone user over the last couple years, you may have noticed some suspiciously bribe-y advertisements…

UR Tech: Bill Gates, Microsoft’s new Technology Advisor

On Feb. 4, Satya Nadella, the long time leader of Microsoft’s cloud and server enterprise divisions, was appointed as CEO…